Our Story

A Soul Connection

Faith and Mati met online as part of the connected community of artists back in the early days of social media. They knew each other for years online before finally meeting in person at an art retreat in 2014 in the woods of New Hampshire. They immediately felt a soul connection.

That connection blossomed into deep friendship through conversations about their art and dreams. In early 2015, they worked collaboratively, launching their first e-course together called 52 Paintings, which challenged a community of artists to create a painting a week for one year.

That same year, Faith and Mati taught their first retreat together, their popular Pura Vida painting retreat in Costa Rica. After teaching and working together for many years now, they continually inspire each other to be their best selves and to reflect that in their work.

We believe…

  • In sharing juicy art techniques to help you express your authentic inner voice.

  • That there is always space to allow yourself room to grow.

  • The time is now!

  • Small changes, built up over time, will take you where you want to go.

  • Doing work with passion is contagious: others will see your spark and be inspired too!

We’ve found working in collaboration…

to be an exciting way to stretch ourselves! One of the things we realized early on in our friendship is that we both really shine when working collaboratively. Our friendship has always centered around support, openness and accountability. The two of us now know a whole lot about collaboration after co-writing our book, co-leading almost 20 retreats, and co-teaching hundreds of women in our online workshops. 

Since travel and art are two of our favorite things it felt very natural to develop those loves into teaching painting to groups of women both online & internationally at our popular retreats, and writing a book. There is an excitement & momentum that we both feel as we are collaborating. Each of us have ideas that flow, feeding off of each other and growing into something bigger than they would have been on their own! 

With each of our offerings we have always decided to create what we most needed, in the hopes that others would find value in it too. We always have our heads together planning our next painting adventure. Are you in?!

Dive in with us!